✓ Break into any market with a push-button strategy
✓ Includes 5 credits to use to create beautiful, professionally designed covers with an easy-to-use software to wow prospects & customers
✓ The Automation solution that turns social media into income
Get Started Now!
Here's The Deal...
It's time for online marketers to capitalize on one of the MOST overlooked strategies that every successful business needs - social media covers.
Why social covers? Because a social cover is like a billboard for your brand. When done well, it cab utilized to promote your offer, blog or online products and there's no ad cost to do it!
It's time to revolutionize your marketing approach and seize the untapped potential that the Social Billboard Strategy brings to the forefront.
With just a few simple clicks, you could have the power to effortlessly create stunning, professionally designed high-converting social media covers. Here's how...

With just a few simple clicks, you can easily create & schedule beautiful, professionally designed high converting social media covers for your brand or even clients
Unlocking the door to additional income.... in just minutes!
Generate leads with 12 professionally designed done-for-you Lead Capture Pages for lucrative niches!
Simply drag & drop to get started in minutes!
Each landing page has been carefully crafted, designed, tested and has been proven to convert by our team!

David W.
"For my first 2 weeks of Social Covers I have made 4 sales, the first 2 were given away for free, the second 2 were for $497 each for the year changing covers every month, so, that's an extra $1,000 in just 2 weeks!"

Rick C.
"1 Social Covers account sold, $367.40 down, $404.70 monthly PPD/ACH"

Virginia P.
"This was a "random" call when looking at their full page ad in a local mag. Just rung up cold an suggested some improvements to help him out. (FREE Review Pop for a month was the foot in the door) He reached out to me after I sent the review pop script wanting a meeting. Thank you David and the team"

Bob H.
"She jumped right in and it only took about a 3 minute explanation! Initial feedback from the client after the install: they love it. Now we have an appointment for an upsell!

Pete K.
"Gave away 3 review pops for 30 days free and sold one at 297 /yr to a computer company!"

James L.
"I sold a combo of reputation services and a website with review pops! Got $995 setup/$1295 a month! Fantastic!"

Rob H.
"I am having huge success using the review Pop as a great door opener... So I am using the Authority Pop to open doors and either they can buy a year's access...my most basic package that starts at $147 per month to my all inclusive package that is at $697."

John J.
"I sent an email to list of chiropractors (44) from LK embed images with the client’s website on it with an example of what the review badge would look like and added an offer with a clickable option (agenda rocket) to schedule a zoom call.
I had 3 take me up on the free 30-day offer, and one went right to my upsell for $799 for the year."

Dave W.
"Gave away a free review pop to a new prospect for 30 days, when he saw the popup, he thought it was awesome! Now we have the next appointment scheduled for full reputation marketing conversation!"
See What Others Are Paying for Social Cover Designs THEY Have to Manage....
[Hint: It's More Than $500/mo!]

Get Started Now!